Podcast Tips “It’s never too late”

Let’s debunk the false narrative that great entrepreneurs are only the 20-year-olds who have a great idea in their garage.
The data says more.

Listen to “Podcast Tips” It’s Never Too Late “” on Spreaker.

Podcast transcript

Hello everyone the new podcast tips welcome back or welcome. I remember going to my website www.marcoprincipi.it.

I often hear I listen to discouraged people I am too old I will never make it I cannot start a career now I cannot do the business now you have to be young it is never too late.

I really want to dispel this myth of youth in order to be successful, it is a false narrative but it is the numbers that often say it and entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg are mentioned, then the founders of Apple and then of Microsoft, of Facebook who they started their own business very very soon they had an incredible success but thanks to an article I read in Harvard Business Review the facts and data say more.

Indeed, let’s say that entrepreneurs between the ages of 20 and 29 have the same probability of success as entrepreneurs over the age of sixty. So they have a fairly low probability of success while the most successful will be entrepreneurs who start their standard business after 40 and the average age of successful entrepreneurs is 45 then middle-aged people.

So the myth of the young man that the only one in his garage who builds the new innovative idea and is successful is to be completely dispelled. Don’t believe in this narrative. They are beautiful stories on which films are built but it would be nice to make a film too, perhaps it was made about the founder of the McDonald’s chain who made it after 55 years something of the kind of people who even after a life of successes have succeeded to build an empire and a future, albeit shorter than an incredible twenty-year-old person.

And this is due precisely to experience and work experience. it is clear that a twenty-five-year-old cannot have the work experience of a forty-year-old of a forty-five-year-old who may have lived in a company or had previously failed businesses and therefore can understand certain dynamics. Can understand what needs improvement can understand what has been wrong in the past. E proprio sui suoi errori o sugli errori che ha visto fare gli altri costruisce il suo successo.

Another thing to dispel is that even these entrepreneurs who have had that they founded because of incredible people of companies when they were young they achieved their greatest success after the age of 40 even after 50 we only think of Steve Jobs. Jobs founded Apple but was then fired from his own company which then went into incredible crisis and had his greatest success at 52 with the biggest innovation he made being the iPhone.

And Bezos himself also had the highest growth rate when he was 45. So these too did not reach their peak at 20-25 but have reached mature age.

So the suggestion I can give to everyone is because it is normal that people over 35 40 years now too late now I will not be able to do anything now I will no longer be able to fulfill my dreams or follow the goals. Not so you are wrong.

The important thing is to be aware of your own means and put a lot of effort into it and use your own failures and your experience to build something new and better. So the sentence is never too late it’s pure truth. Thank you all.