Podcast Tips “Mentor or Mental Coach?”

Often the figure of the mental coach is confused with that of the mentor.
But what are the differences?

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Podcast transcript

Hello everyone welcome or welcome back today a quick pill on the difference between mentor and mental coach. This is the question that many of you ask me because many think that the mentor and the mental coach are the same figure is not quite so.

There is a small difference but the really important difference. In fact the mentor is someone who is expert in your own field and someone who has experience in your field so he can be a successful entrepreneur from which you can get inspiration you can get some advice or often by reading your work colleague older than 10-15 years that is supported to make you understand how the processes are like what you have to do and how to do it better. So he is someone who has experience in the field.

The mental coach, on the other hand, is another figure and someone who does not have to have experience in your field may have also done something similar without having a specific experience because his job is not to teach him something.

The mental coach does not judge, he has no prejudices and above all he does not enter into the merits which the mentor must do to enter into the merits. Think that the same mental coaches have a mentor that another mental coach therefore mental coach is that person who has to bring you to awareness must give you the tools and accompany them towards your goal as through questions and powerful questions.

The questions I tell you things that unmask you not because they throw the truth in your face make you understand who you really are and what you want. This is the thing that destabilizes so much just like they will get two spurs in the face to say you wake up something like that.

And all this to get to the goal you too ask the questions the powerful questions as often those who are also heard talks no to me have always seemed stupid but they are not.

How do you see yourself in five years. What will you do in the next few months. This type of question if you really think about it honestly and write them you will see that the result is seeing the answers written will be destabilizing but it will be very powerful.

This is the strength of the coach to bring you to awareness and thus help you understand yourself and reach your goals in the short term not in the long term because they must always be measurable goals.

The Mentor method is a counselor and there is someone who does the same job as you or has already gone where you have been. And he has some advice to give you to direct them to a similar but very different figure.

Thanks to everyone and have a good day.