Podcast Tips “Starbucks”

Why Starbucks?
Because it is a story of passion, madness and perseverance and because in this story there is a lot of Italy and a lot of Milan.

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Podcast transcript

Hello everyone the new podcast tips welcome back. I remind you to go to www.marcoprincipi.it if you want to listen to other podcasts.

Today I want to tell a story about Starbucks you will tell why Starbucks. For two reasons: first reason because in the history of Starbucks there is so much Italy there is also so much Milan which is my city and because the story of the owner of Starbucks Schulz is a story that must be told because the story of passion and perseverance they start with him.

Schulz was born in the 1950s in the Bronx so he is from New York and gets his teeth into the Xerox person. Then he moved to another company called a Swedish company that imported European products for the American coffee market.

Lui Schulz era un grande venditore grazie alle sue doti arrivò molto in fretta a ricoprire la carica di vicepresidente e di responsabile della divisione commerciale. Thanks to his work he came into contact with numerous customers and one of these customers was a Seattle coffee retailer called Starbucks.

This is the seller bought many products so he was curious and want to go and meet him. The legend says that as soon as it entered the Starbucks store, in the meantime the place was offered a cup of coffee blend from Sumatra and here the first spark was born to create a spark because we must think that in those years in America there were no bars where you could have coffee maybe there was some Italian American restaurant where it could be done but there was no such culture.

The culture of the American citizen was to consume coffee at home so coffee machines and pods were sold. Often the quality of the coffee was bad and even these machines were not quality machines.

His was truly a love at first sight a shop for a resale was not even a shop full of spices that were offered to their customers to make them understand the quality of the coffee and even the Starbucks logo was something that had fascinated him.

So he spent the following year trying to get hired by the owners of Starbucks who after a year succeeded and became marketing manager. Thanks to this new job he began to work and travel on one of his trips to Milan and then ended up in Italy in our Italy and here and in the second lighting.

He understood that in Europe and especially in Italy coffee was something more than a coffee it was culture because the places where coffee is consumed and consumed were places of aggregation were places where people went to have a chat to read the newspaper to read a book to talk about news.

In short, they were truly places we can also define them as cultural and even making coffee was an art he was truly dazzled. He was also struck by the ability of baristas who could make different coffees so macchiato or cappuccino the correct coffee the coffee along all this in America did not exist and he thought that it had to be something that must be imported because this cultural vivacity this aggregation was something he thought could work even in a different country.

In so many things as it was the United States as on the United States even today. So returning to the United States full of enthusiasm, he proposed this new model to the owners of Starbucks. But the answer was not as positive as we can suppose. They had no money either because they have already made other investments in the desire. They were not interested in growing, they were not interested in changing business to grow and having new earning opportunities was not going well.

But our Schultz did not give up because he was indeed a stubborn person and above all with a great passion and a great love for this job. And therefore he decided to transform one of these stores without the owners’ knowledge into a bar into a bar that we can say in the Italian style and where coffee could be consumed inside where you could stay inside your own newspaper in peace and talk with others therefore just an Italian coffee we can say it an Italian bar.

When owners, despite the large numbers that this resale did, they discovered it Schultz was then fired because he had not followed their direction and because they were not really interested in getting bigger because getting bigger also brings many other problems but he did not give up yet and therefore found some financiers and opened his own chain of coffee shops that worked just like an Italian.

This was a great success even on a small scale but fate has it that soon the owners of Starbucks in economic crisis decide to sell the brand.

He who was in love with this brand was in love with the culture that in any case was somehow brought them therefore bringing Michelle to other countries. He decided to buy the company he had worked for and from which he had been fired.

This thing can also remind us a little of the story of Steve Jobs even if he had founded the iPod and from here the Starbucks was born today the Starbucks Starbucks which expands incredibly because even I did not believe it, it also arrived in Italy I did not think that such a model a model that then.

Italy winks winks at the European model but it is a little different it could have been successful in our country too and instead the numbers say it is very successful. So this is truly a beautiful story, a story of passion and love for one’s work of love for one’s own idea of experiences made thanks to travel and the history that somehow puts our country at the center of a great enterprise. Thank you all.