Podcast Special People con Rui

A nice chat with Rui, entrepreneur of the digital world and founder of Conciel.ch.
A free man who grew up and lived in multiple countries.
His thought goes beyond simple business, we talk about ethics, social commitment and value creation. Welcome back to Special People

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Speaker 1: Ciao Rui  I’m very happy to have you here also because for more than a year, I’ve been starting a digital transformation and communication with Baconian and my team. And I’m a really, really passionate about it. And I want to bring these new concepts into into my work. But you are already doing it with your project. And it seems to me and a very ambitious project and very revolutionary one for my point of view. So thanks again. And first of all, of course. Hello. And I also. I want to ask you if I can, because I would like to know your story. So who are you and what led you to do what you are doing today, today?

Speaker 2: Well, first of all, good morning to you, Michael. Thank you for having me. Appreciate a lot of the interest in my

Speaker 1: personal where I always tell myself I’m not interested in myself at all.

Speaker 2: And whatever

Speaker 1: I do, it’s not about

Speaker 2: who I am. I think I’m just an example for people to go and just do what they have internally inside them that they want to go after whatever their ambitions are regarding what the inner code is telling them. It could be anything from baking to cooking to making art or whatever it is just to find your own truth. At the end of the day, know your purpose of what you think, that your abilities can, you know, hopefully inspire people to think more forwardly, to think more openly and most importantly, to unite on the common ground

Speaker 1: of one religion, which I

Speaker 2: call love in every other. Religion is basically doing the contrary and two to four among each other not to have this impact and that they should be having.

Speaker 1: And so, again, I always say I’m just encouraging

Speaker 2: one day if my company does what it will and what we are building on doing that this only purpose of me putting myself out there is just for anyone out there in this in this planet to don’t listen to other people, what they tell you. Just if you know what you’re doing, just keep doing it. It’s not easy what you need to do. It’s going to be hard. That’s going to be people who are going to say, no, you’re going to be having a lot of stones in your way. But if you are aligned with your brain and your heart and both of them say, yes, that’s the only, only, only question and answer whom you need to address.

Speaker 1: I totally agree with you.

Speaker 1: So basically that having been said and so you wanted to have a little spin off where I come from.

Speaker 2: And so I was born in Brazil

Speaker 1: and I was adopted by a German family by the age of one month. And as far as the information that I had

Speaker 2: gained, which is very my mother who gave birth to me, she didn’t make it through labor. And so I was basically in a critical state of my own that according to the medicine that they’ve given point I didn’t have a days what I’ve heard that I had a survival chance of three percent based on the

Speaker 1: knowledge that was at that time

Speaker 2: collected.

Speaker 1: And so I was put

Speaker 2: into an incubator and basically oxygen was given to me. And next thing you knew, something inside me had a bigger will wanting to be alive than dead, I guess. And so my character has been born, meaning I became a fighter from day one. Yeah. And it’s and it’s Aristotle,

Speaker 1: as I think the one who has said so that in any script

Speaker 2: or any plot or whatever you read, basically the the

Speaker 1: essential information are basically gathered all in the very

Speaker 2: beginning and then everything else just untangles from there, you know.

Speaker 1: So yeah. So basically the going from there being and I’m just going to drive a very brief quick through my my childhood.

Speaker 2: But it has an impact because it defines me who I am. So here being

Speaker 1: adopted into a German family who

Speaker 2: were basically the the, the, the mix of science and art and

Speaker 1: me in the middle of that. And it was kind of like the yin and the yang, the masculine, the feminine and all the duality that there is.

Speaker 2: And so both in a very extreme way.

Speaker 1: And so that was very and I was very, very enlightening to to be around this environment. And on top of that,

Speaker 2: my parents, they were traveling for work and my father and roughly every four years. So we keep moving around.

Speaker 1: So the next stop was Germany. Then the next stop

Speaker 2: after that was Zimbabwe.

Speaker 1: Southern Africa then came back. Then I lived in Italy for a year. Then I came back

Speaker 2: and then I went to Guatemala and did my civil service, Guatemala. So in Germany at that time, we had it was obligated to go and to do military service, slash social service. So I decided to go for social service.

Speaker 1: And on top of that then, I also didn’t care for bringing on Meals on Wheels to German

Speaker 2: in

Speaker 1: their environment because the jobs were going to be covered by some. Want anyway,

Speaker 2: so I thought, let’s go somewhere and Austin, based on that, I come from a Latin American country that’s going to the original plan was to go to Brazil, but I couldn’t find a project. So I found a project in Guatemala. And so then I was working at an orphanage there for roughly was about 13 months at a time, which was very intense working time. And in terms of I went up, I had to get up at

Speaker 1: four, 30

Speaker 2: years. That was once the Boy Scout to the to a group of boys which orphans, which were the age between five and 11, 30 of them. And so I had to take them from the day at four thirty to six o’clock. I had to prepare them for school. It was a boarding school on the on the permits and which was part of the orphanage.

Speaker 1: And then they were in school from

Speaker 2: six till four, five ish. And the minute that time I was leading the farm that was also part of the orphanage. And then

Speaker 1: after five

Speaker 2: to eight o’clock or seven thirty eight ish, I was basically reverse thing, bringing them to bed and making sure and then having dinner, taking them to bed. And then from seven, eight ish to midnight, I was doing the counting for the farm. So overall that was the most for 13 months straight. I only slept roughly about four and a half hours per day, seven days a week straight.

Speaker 1: So people say the jungle is relaxing. Know, that’s a

Speaker 2: lot of work I’m saying.

Speaker 1: And what it did to me. That’s. And then why am I talking about this?

Speaker 2: Because, you know, we live in a society where we grow up, everything that is at our fingertips, you know,

Speaker 1: in terms of, you know, we want something we

Speaker 2: nowadays even easier. We all learned within the same day. Next day, it’s delivered to your house. Well, in the jungle, if you want to have just a piece of meat, you know, you have to actually butcher yourself whatever meat you want and the whole process behind it to get there. It’s a real it’s a real work. So what it does or what it did to me gave me an appreciation to understand that things don’t just just everything as a process. And unfortunately, people in the cities or the current

Speaker 1: generations, they don’t understand

Speaker 2: the progress of how things get from A to B at all times. And I think it is very simple to to to not forget about this path, you know, so moving forward from my my

Speaker 1: experience there and then went

Speaker 2: into I wanted to become a pilot, commercial pilot. So I went into that all what I needed to do. But I got into training and I and started my pilot training, which is till today one of my biggest passions. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten back to it. But I want to one day and then just about two weeks before one of my

Speaker 1: final exams, I

Speaker 2: had an accident that was very I

Speaker 1: broke my leg in a sweat floor. I slipped and I broke my arm and a very

Speaker 2: severe way that wouldn’t give me the medical relief on the basis that I was needed, needed to get checked for the piloting. So every pilot needs to go to medical testing every year. So do that. That wasn’t I hadn’t they wouldn’t give it to me because I had like

Speaker 1: metal in my arms and everything.

Speaker 2: So they had to I need to recalibrate myself and think what to do. So most people, when they don’t know what to do with themselves is a sad thing, but a very true to go and study them. That’s what I did make them.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it’s it’s I mean, it’s like I said, you know, the easiest going to get

Speaker 2: into do something with it, you know. So starting off there I was

Speaker 1: being

Speaker 2: in university, this was in Germany and

Speaker 1: three semesters in and I

Speaker 2: could already figure that this wasn’t really my spot. And I had an idea that I like travelling. I gained that. It was difficult for people when they go abroad to cater their information and the quick

Speaker 1: and and how that it’s related to themselves, you know, because in those days, the Internet was just coming by and, you know, in the early 2000s and

Speaker 2: of course, now things have increased. The application stores have risen from

Speaker 1: twenty eight and above.

Speaker 2: And now every thing you do has an app and so on. But even so, I get into that more deeply. But I’m just saying and the the

Speaker 1: information at the end of the

Speaker 2: day, what this whole planet, when it’s looking, it’s about, it’s about resources and information and whoever is interacting with these two entities, if they want to understand when is this

Speaker 1: information and that resource at one given time

Speaker 2: were available? And that’s basically what everyone is chasing after. So and now

Speaker 1: the search engines and so on, they have basically

Speaker 2: given themselves the extension of the Yellow Pages in terms of digitalizing and then sort up rather opening the Yellow Pages and looking up we had. So you just put in a headdress and Milan or Rome, and then you can even narrow it down to your to your neighborhood and then you’ll get a list of X, Y, Z. But still, it’s just a list that you have to browse through. You have to start and selecting or filtering down to what is appealing to you. And that’s at this point because information is becoming so overwhelming and so unstructured

Speaker 1: and that it is it is so infinite, the

Speaker 2: depth of us needing to find what we find as the time is increasing and it’s increasing and increasing. So, yes, it has been very helpful to have the Internet, which was a revolutionary step forward in humanity, without any doubt. I mean, just sending a mention and email in two seconds rather than having a little waiting to come arrive and one or five days to two, even a month and on. So to just exchange information is so it hasn’t really changed. That concept has still been very consistent. But again, the problem that we’re facing is this whole information. So going back to 2006, there was a World Cup in Germany and people obviously from all over the world were traveling to Germany right in the middle. It made a little case that was very good connected in Frankfurt where I was based out of and I knew hotel

Speaker 1: owners, this and that.

Speaker 2: And so people came to me and said, look, I want to have tickets to this sporting event online. I can’t get out of a hotel anymore and this and that. And I’m like, well, let me look into it. And I started basically like almost like a concierge, if you want to say, or an assistant gets them to the unpossible possible because I had the network and that information knowing where to find one. But I have gathered that over a long time. So I came up with this content and said,

Speaker 1: well, I mean, I am also limited in time and how

Speaker 2: much capacity of knowledge I can gather. So I would rather have a system automatically do this for me that basically can take you your all your valid things that are relevant for your entire consideration and bring it to you in a heartbeat at the same time, making sure that this does not reveal your identity leaked to to in a public space, which is happening right now in the Internet. I mean, every research you’re putting into a search engine, it is stored somewhere. And basically lets me Google as an example, I know everything about you, whatever. If you’re using Chrome or Google search engine, everything that you ever look up, it’s basically data stored and they can put a pattern together and can understand what your behavior is. They can even I which they are applying to that could even predict what what your next things are going to be doing tomorrow based on your last past two weeks, one months dash going on, four onwards. You know,

Speaker 1: if I’m talking about you have this intuition in 2006,

Speaker 1: correct? Yes. The intuition was that I understood

Speaker 2: that we needed a system that gives anonymously to the people who care

Speaker 1: for

Speaker 2: the service or product that

Speaker 1: they want to interact with. And I’m talking I mean, anything

Speaker 2: within the legal framework, obviously. But still, you know, an Arab person who obviously is true to his religion doesn’t can’t drink alcohol in public. But it doesn’t mean behind closed doors that he doesn’t do so. But still to go in a foreign country and try to make this arrangement for him, it is a very sensitive topic to him because he might be seen by me, by a common common friend from from his community or who knows what I mean. And even the Asian culture, they have a way more respectful way, how the elderly are between the younger and this and that. And so there’s a lot of what what all these all these American most American search engines do. They they they focus on the you need to streamline it and give you a streamline result. But it’s never really identifies with you, with who you are. And this is where the gap is missing somehow.

Speaker 1: I got it. Yeah. I’m a I’m agreeing with you and the. And so what what is what is next? What did you do next?

Speaker 1: Well, after I saw so then I was studying and then I was somehow I got asked by a government related related the government

Speaker 2: person

Speaker 1: who came through my network

Speaker 2: and to one of my events that I attend to. And and he was asking basically offering me a

Speaker 1: job to

Speaker 2: participate

Speaker 1: in. In a nice environment, which he was a lobbyist

Speaker 2: at the end of the day, so lobbyists, many lobbying for the Middle East and so we met and we spoke and I told them that this is about that idea again, that he was born in 2006 and my and the iPhone hasn’t even arrived yet.

Speaker 1: So I already had already this idea.

Speaker 2: But of course, that was 20 something years at the time in the middle of studying and.

Speaker 1: So then he he offered me a job to basically design

Speaker 2: concepts for ministries, and so what I didn’t know of myself, it was a very enlightening path to myself that I had the capacity somehow to understand from my career to go from macro to micro, not to see the bigger picture, but at the same time be very detail orientated, you know, and most people are either the one or the other, you know,

Speaker 1: so and then at the same time

Speaker 2: having the capacity of being very creative, but yet also very technical in terms of like I mean, I used to when I was a kid, by the age of six or seven, I took a video like a video recorder. I put it, took it apart and it was broken. I put it fix it, put it back together without any instructions and or I was at a friend’s party. The stereo broke down. All of a sudden I unscrewed it and they all looked at me into thinking, like, what are you sitting on the floor? What’s wrong with you? You know, I’m like, just hang on, stay with me. Give me a second.

Speaker 1: And then then after a

Speaker 2: few whatever minutes, the thing

Speaker 1: was back on in its vibe.

Speaker 2: And then I was able to give us entertaining music for the rest of the night. So I’m a

Speaker 1: gig in some ways. And on the other hand, I’m I’m

Speaker 2: I’m I’m I consider myself

Speaker 1: being relating to humans and trying to to see always also the best in

Speaker 2: humans. So this is also one part. So going from from the lobbyism. So I did that for four years, working in the lobbyism

Speaker 1: and understanding

Speaker 2: a lot about like the mingling and the technology and, you know, how these this lobbying works, which is never a field that I entirely and you know, I’m not

Speaker 1: a politician.

Speaker 2: I don’t care much for politicians. Politicians for me today is and I say this lot, I’ve got to be stoned for it. But they are the biggest thieves of my and not just thieves, but

Speaker 1: you thieves like people. I mean, like whatever

Speaker 2: the good thing is, whatever they want to do, they just make it legal and get away with it. You know what I mean? The fact that we just want to keep watching it, I mean, seriously. But on the other hand, it’s our fault. We are just like laying back and letting them do. I mean, we have the potential, the power as a humanity to stand up and say, stop, this is enough. And I mean, some are doing it, but they obviously immediately spin off as conspiracy theorists. And who knows what you know. I mean, if you just speak your mind during the days of today, you you you considered not to be aligned with what the government says. And if you’re not aligned with the government, then you obviously wrong, which I think it’s quite sad how far this has come. But anyway, so I’ve learned

Speaker 1: in the inside of the government side at work

Speaker 2: that one thing is what the press release is one thing and the reality is another thing, so that these two things don’t match Always-On or percent. And I mean, I was aware of it, but there I was even more put it in front of me and my parents when I was younger. They always told me something that was I mean, we didn’t we never watch TV. We didn’t have a TV. I mean, we had one at some point. But I mean, this was like once a month, you know, but you sit in the room whenever you switch on the TV, the only thing that you can be expecting are lies. The politicians are going to tell you whatever they want in order to be re-elected. The advertising obviously wants to sell you something in the movies that are based on fiction. I mean, we don’t have to tell you that. So you make a choice as to what reality you want to be in, you know? Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1: So, yeah. And so I did that for four years with the government. And then I told myself, I’m I don’t I don’t want to engage any more of my energy and my

Speaker 2: time into this and into into into the service of for them. And so I then

Speaker 1: came back to the idea that I had

Speaker 2: in two thousand and six and I said, OK, let’s let’s do this.

Speaker 1: So I sat down, I took all my effort that I had.

Speaker 2: I put them together and then I went, OK, what do I need? You know, where do I start? So I went to see one of my fathers because he’s a very old class understanding businessman. So I asked him, he lives in Geneva if I can go and see him and to talk about with I wanted to make a business plan. And if you can be a help in any help this year, she’ll come back.

Speaker 1: So we started off and I told him what I wanted to do.

Speaker 2: And it and I mean a very ambitious what you’re doing. And I got nothing else to do, so I might as well. Right.

Speaker 1: My choice,

Speaker 1: it’s like, well, I mean, who cares? You know, let’s

Speaker 2: just go places to just go and see what happens. Next thing you know, ten years pass and a lot has happened. Yeah.

Speaker 1: So, yeah. I mean this is so far just the timeline.

Speaker 1: Yeah, OK, so listen, you know, we said digital war, where there seems to be a big crowd of more and more power than before because we’ve been digital, but our big community community online. So it seems that people, the crowd, have a more power and maybe the the crop of saw or situation. It will have less power now, this moment, because we’ve blocked train we the community with Internet, the information now came from everywhere, know not only the institution, but can give to you the information you can you can find out the same different opinions everywhere. So maybe this is from the point of view. You’re speaking about ethical. So can be a kind of revolution. If we are able to use things in the right way and we use these things, use freedom the best way it can be really dangerous from my point of view. But if we are able to rebalance everything, it can be a very, very good opportunity.

Speaker 1: Yes, yes, yes. And yes. What I did was and I agree on.

Speaker 2: But the first part I am I would say yes and no. Of course, with the technology now,

Speaker 1: we have way

Speaker 2: more opportunities to kind of like have the freedom of speech and so on. But we still are we are not the one.

Speaker 1: And there’s a lot of I mean, groups left and right opening. I mean I mean, for every every topic

Speaker 2: there is something and multiple of them in each nation and onwards. But what happens if you do that? At the end of the day, it is a lot of islands, but a lot of islands don’t move as much as the one big island. So at the end, the power stations in terms of the broadcasting and government TV stations, they are still the ones who are telling what are the what is the norm and what is not the norm. And as long as they are not driven by the public eye, that’s driven by the government and whatever interests those parties have to to serve their own, whatever that is, I mean, there’s always good politicians, of course, who

Speaker 1: really try to make a change. But there’s a lot of them out there.

Speaker 2: We’re just trying to feed their pocket,

Speaker 1: you know, so as long as and

Speaker 2: mostly, unfortunately, the higher you go, the second case is more often to be the case. You know, exceptions always around, no doubt. But I mean, it’s always when you have

Speaker 1: an

Speaker 2: understanding of wanting to to elaborate information, what is your range of how far can you connect with how many? And that is where determines when you can flip the page to having a truth or an untruth. You know, if the broadcast TV of of of a German TV station is dictated to be streaming this information because it’s been ordered to do so, then it’s going to stream that. And the rest who are going to receive that are going to be leaving what what believe, whatever they have been told. And we’ll take that as the common knowledge. And I’m not saying that it has to be wrong information that has been passed onto them or so on. I’m just saying that the decision where it’s been released, it’s not based on on the collective understanding. It’s based on a few people make a decision what will be released and what shall not be released.

Speaker 1: Don’t you think that there’ll be some digital transformation is the key to to that not only a little part of the population to have the possibility to give direction to be obvious, but all this digital transformation can open the information. So also every one of us can can give a contribution.

Speaker 1: No one on the one hand, the persons have to be ready and willing to receive it. So No. One, they have to wake up and they have to be active and not being passive, sitting around and just consuming

Speaker 2: and taking care of their own lives and not caring about the greater understanding. This is where we have to cut. We’ve come into a face, you know, it’s where everything is. I mean, selfie. It’s all about all about the individual. Everyone is about my rights about this. It is no more about the collective. So as long as it’s like people don’t understand that we have to unite in collective understanding and not about my me and my phone, I book this. I whatever selfish. I mean, I mean this whole Instagram

Speaker 1: and slash

Speaker 2: social media. I mean what, what does it technologically and invoke. It basically brings people, you know, how high is the popularity. And they keep repeating themselves by posting to see how many matches they have again. But I mean, this is a very vicious circle, you know, and it doesn’t have anything to do with any reality that this planet is really facing the topics that are really relevant. I mean, so what I’m trying to say is there’s. Literally huge amount of population out there who’s just sleeping and dreaming and just self engaged with themselves and and consuming, and that’s where they end.

Speaker 1: Yeah, and I agree with you also. I’m about to say I’m a slave also with feelings of social networks like Instagram or Twitter, these kind of things. So I know what you think, but we need to OK, I like I tell it in Italian recipe. Yes, yes. It’s important to use the water, but I use a lot also because I’m doing also coaching these kind of things and we need to wake up as you as you said. But it’s not it’s not simple cause a visa. We have so many information from everywhere that sometimes it’s not so simple to wake up and say we need to start to think about our, um, our mind, we our brain. It’s not so simple, but I agree with you. Yeah.

Speaker 2: I mean, this

Speaker 1: is the entire

Speaker 2: thing and this is the I’ve been I’ve been telling this people up and down. All these varieties that we have, they are not really good because they will take you longer time to decide what you want and just relating to one topic and then you jump to the next topic at the end of the day has twenty four hours. So the more

Speaker 1: entertainment you have,

Speaker 2: the more you can spend your time, the less you’re actually doing.

Speaker 1: Because I’m telling you, any post that you do on Instagram and I have this one friend of mine, she’s Instagram addicted.

Speaker 2: I mean, who is a few of them, I guess. And I’m telling you, do you think whatever you post there that within one week, anyone remember what you posted? Because the information overload that is happening there, people don’t are not capable to really go in-depth in keeping this information anymore because it is such a it’s like it’s like a frequence I don’t know the old and the old times. And it’s it’s

Speaker 1: their psychological tricks

Speaker 2: that are visually tricking us. There’s a very famous little little sketch. Now, let me just infuse it to you. There’s like a people dancing in a room. There’s a video camera shining on it. And then in the middle of it’s a two minute video or something in the middle of that, a monkey, of course, dressed as a human being dressed in a monkey suit, walks through the screen. And then you ask after that of the person who is participating in this test, what did you see? And then they say, oh, this lady dancing, this and this. But most of the people didn’t see the monkey. So even if you put it in so so they are so distracted with the Instagram and this and that they don’t understand to see what is straight in front of them.

Speaker 1: Oh yeah. I agree with you. And you don’t know about I study philosophy and but 20 years ago, back before it was different because we don’t have this kind of things like Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, where we spent a lot of time suggesting that I had this bit and now I’m doing that every day I, I wrote down. The time that time I’m losing, doing things that are not important, like going on social media or other things that are not important, and I, I can see that I, I have to say I spend a lot of time doing nothing, doing nothing at all. So it’s really important to have our time back closer because our time is not forever. So we need to in a very right way because it’s the most important thing that we have.

Speaker 2: So going to the topic of this, a few things that are for what I’m doing as really of his importance is one is the ethical components of basically

Speaker 1: one and

Speaker 2: giving the people what they need. Of course. I mean, they need to have the supplies for this and that, but not over flooding them with something that they don’t need and just over flooding people because the the the product owner wants to make more money, obviously. Right. So he wants to get his product out there as much as possible. But at the same time, I mean, we are resourcing from our planet. Everything that, you know, out there is basically resource from our planet. I mean, so if you look into the waste that we are creating based on this past evolution of of of of product and type lifetime, you know how shortener shortener they’re getting. It’s ridiculous. And just to give you the example of it all started somehow with the fast food. Then we have come into the fast

Speaker 1: petion like, you know, you buy a T-shirt, you throw

Speaker 2: it away, it goes like it. And now we’re turning even into the past relationship, understanding and information. But at the end, it’s the core of improvement of interacting with humans and being human is entirely getting lost of.

Speaker 1: Then on the other hand, and I agree with you, that there are groups who are

Speaker 2: being aware of this. They are

Speaker 1: kind of like trying to step

Speaker 2: out of it, but they’re isolating themselves. And the bigger buzz of the of the of the humanity is still hustling like a hamster and the wheel and being part of that, you know.

Speaker 1: So I mean, the good thing and it’s an

Speaker 2: honor to pick this up to to drive this to to to where you left that your last sentence is we have now more than ever an opportunity

Speaker 1: to to bring this human consciousness on the next level, four

Speaker 2: point or five point or whatever you want to call it. And and technology can help because it can reach everyone. But the crucial part now is, is not to reach you with 20 packages in front of your door. And then you have to and you can have to take all of them, bundle it in one and make that one be as true and honest as it can be to serve you at the at your best. So we have to bring truth back to the Internet.

Speaker 1: Authenticity, honesty, you know, and not this, how can I and

Speaker 2: everyone that’s been chasing since the big guys are making money of advertisement, everyone else is chasing money, money, money, money. But money is not going to solve our problems down the road. Money has taken us how far we are. And I’ve been saying that I mean, we think of ourselves as humanity. So brilliant putting men on the moon and who knows what. And we weren’t able to solve to today the problem of poverty, of of of starving. We think so highly of herself and the people pat themselves on the shoulders, get Nobel Prizes and what is about those people that I mean, let’s first fix our main problems that we have. And if we accelerate, then but wonderful, but not just accelerate and and forget about the other ones that also have a 100 percent ownership on this planet. And we are

Speaker 1: not the ones to make a decision on just because we are smarter than them,

Speaker 2: that we take the better part of the end of the of this of the bargain here. It is our responsibility to get it an equal balance for everyone. Because nobody has excuse me, we were born here, and, yes, the whole legal system of having owning land and having their own property was all this is all artificially done by my man. And I’ll tell you one thing, which is to relate to something which is is so important. Part of of

Speaker 1: of. Men have designed so many things artificial,

Speaker 2: starting with units, meaning by units and speaking kilometers, mileages and kù about kilos, whatever unit you want to refer to. At the same time, we have designed time

Speaker 1: in terms of 60 second, 60 minute

Speaker 2: and so on. And by having these two things. And these two entities, you are able to put a price tag behind anything without these two, you couldn’t put a price tag behind nothing. So it’s like against scalable at this point, you know, but the importance is that our globe and if you know the movie Avatar world itself, Mother Earth, the nature of the birds, everything, how they interact with each other, they live in a time that is like a balloon with say it goes in. It’s not linear, it blows, it goes smaller or wider. And it’s been proven by Einstein and others that this is time. This time isn’t linear, but yet we’re squeezing it always into this matrix to make it. But that is why it was this way. You can scale things

Speaker 1: is easy to understand if the price of oil is at, say, whatever a barrel, you know, and that whatever comes out at the gas station per

Speaker 2: person and you have an income, of course you can know how much people actually consume on gas, how much they consume it. So if you put the salaries at a certain mocker, they will always have at the end of the month no money because based on the other of the other elements that basically relate to the consumption that they need, that can be

Speaker 1: scalable based on these other

Speaker 2: units, you can scale it up, too. OK, so we can make it that they can maybe have a 10 percent saving it next and then if you want to study. And so I’m saying it’s all a structure that has been is being framed onto our world, but that has to do with our world. Nothing. It is us who has designed this. Nobody else.

Speaker 1: Yeah, but another thing that I want to say, but we have to remember, but we are we are really lucky and the people from west part of the world, and it’s solely a case. Of course, it makes a big difference where you born. No, because if I were born not in Italy, but me being in a poor country, my life was totally different. No. And so for this lucky. But we have maybe we have to start to think, but we have to get back some part of. Be lucky that we had and we have we had also to we have also to be to do the things at the best that we can because we have to say yes, if it’s a form of say things to cool the God, I don’t know, cause I just don’t believe in God the normal way. But OK, say thanks to life. OK, well,

Speaker 2: to the universe.

Speaker 1: That’s called the universe. How about that. OK, Michael, I agree 100 percent with you. It is so good that you’re saying that.

Speaker 2: I’m so happy to hear that. And this is what I’m also used to. We that’s where we are born with what passed. But we have that was a lottery winner to us. We had put no effort into that. It was none of our weight gain or nothing. It was in lottery went. But with having that intelligence, that passport and that capability to doing things that others and most of the part of the world don’t have, there is a responsibility to it that we have two choices. We can make no choice. No one is pedia our own pocket and make our and our own welfare, make it as close as we can or use our brains to serve those who don’t have a better chance. So this is each of us can decide who do we want to be and which doesn’t mean that you don’t you’re not entitled to take care of your family and then take care of your family and give them a good start themselves in whatever conditions. And is not said that we should be living in poverty and should not enjoy things. I always say quality is more sustainable than buying, not quality. And because I buy one pair of shoes five times less quality, so I rather buy a better pair shares that last bit longer and because it has quality.

Speaker 1: So I’m not getting not that

Speaker 2: to get that mix that. But at the same time

Speaker 1: there’s a limit as how many cars can I have, how

Speaker 2: many states can I eat to them and when do I need to give back? And I think we need to really understand that giving back is more important than taking, you know, and statement that you listen to the other we’ve spoken about this is giving back is and if everyone starts to, of course, take care of your personal life, your private things, that you can never help anyone before, you haven’t helped yourself. That’s bottom line.

Speaker 1: But at some point, having two hundred cars in your car,

Speaker 2: how much is that more helping you? Or is it just being ego and showing the rest of the world like what a big shot you are and this is where it started getting ridiculous, you know what I mean? Yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I agree. I agree. I agree with you and a number of things because I went on the website of your company and so you built the kind of a platform. Well, if I. Yes, if I understood. And one of the things that we have a privacy at all. So you have an identity, so when you go on to other website, no one can see who you are. Use kookiest these kind of things. I’m not mad about privacy, but I understand that is up to say. It’s important for a lot of person. So and because these are all things our privacy. So I understand that this is very important and I really like it and. And so I want to I want to understand how he talks and since lockshin technologies. It’s a logarithm, I don’t know.

Speaker 1: OK, let me let me

Speaker 2: elaborate for you. We are not and it’s not block chain, but what we’re doing, it’s.

Speaker 1: And it’s not connecting to other Web

Speaker 2: pages, I mean, in the beginning, somehow we have to, but the idea, the end version of it is basically replacing and building a private internal intranet that is basically helping to like when you go into your online banking, you know,

Speaker 1: you put in your login details, you go inside and then anything that they

Speaker 2: provide you inside your problem, your bank is where you can basically do your activities. But at that time, you’re not any more connected to any other outside Web pages or whatever it is you’re only able to do within that environment. So what we’re doing is we’re building this environment, but connecting it to the cities and to the to the products that we are using. So down the road, if, let’s say Nike

Speaker 1: rather than you going on the Nike

Speaker 2: Web page, and if Nike is collaborating with us, they would be basically having our interface as well for their employees to manage their stores, their internal supply chain and so on. And you as a customer, them the one using also our platform will be able to go there and purchase your shoe and have all the other brands within the same frame.

Speaker 1: So now I want to make an example, which is so the Internet for me is basically like a disk

Speaker 2: and you know, the kids

Speaker 1: in the older

Speaker 2: times when we could, like, print onto a certain amount of music. Yeah, right. So you have your taste of music. I have my taste. So you’re 20 songs are different to my 20 songs. Some of them might overlap, but there might be a good variety there. So this is basically your data. This is who you are. The same with who I am, but they look identical. Yours and mine look one hundred percent identical. So how do we use this now? So now you go to the CD player, you put it in, you push play and then you hear what you want to hear. And this is how the Internet needs to work. I have my disc. I want to connect to the world out there. I tell them what I want and I push one button and it comes or to. So it has to be as simple as that. And you know,

Speaker 1: you’ve seen, for example,

Speaker 2: and the the ordinary remote control for a TV and you look at the remote control from Apple

Speaker 1: and considering how many how many how many

Speaker 2: buttons you have on ordinary and remote control. Can you ask yourself I don’t even know what 80 percent of them mean, besides, I only use five of them or 10 at max. So why do I have this whole thing being overloaded with so much that I don’t understand where the apple and remote control has its five buttons or whatever it is,

Speaker 1: and that’s it.

Speaker 2: And you do everything you want to need to do it. And so this is basically the comparison between the current Internet is basically the remote control. And what we are building is the apple

Speaker 1: and the remote control for the Internet to make it just easy. And at the same time, giving you full privacy and ownership of your data, which

Speaker 2: again, now everyone is sending your data, every time you push a button, there’s something happening behind that that has been transported to someone else. And there’s a bidding room where people can buy you data and you don’t even know end up knowing where your data has been sold to,

Speaker 1: you know, but it’s been sold 100 percent and not just one

Speaker 2: effort multiple times where we say within our system, there is no other button, there’s no other because we don’t have advertisement or nothing of the kind. You are the one with your fingerprint and certain other ways of verifying your identity while still logging in. You are the one who owns the data. So even my company and my people, they cannot look at your profile at any given point. You would have to ultraright them if you want them to see for whatever time that they that they are allowed to see because you want to get some help from them for whatever reasons. Right. Technical reasons or just getting services from our company. But then when you say, let’s examine your screen, you tell me I’m sharing my screen and you’re finishing the screen whenever you tell to share the screen. So same thing.

Speaker 1: It was like a kind of private playlist.

Speaker 2: Yeah. With an ethic, understanding what we consider of how the world should function and where ethics and morals are going to be put as in as in very center court of the of the whole operations, if you want to say so.

Speaker 1: And you offer this kind of service also to the to the companies. I need to be for business also. And I would twelve’s.

Speaker 2: When we basically for businesses, I mean businesses today, they run a good amount of in-house software to just from accounting to human resource to the desert. So the supply chains of each industry has within the industry multiple software is helping them to run the day to day life. And so they’ve got jumping from one program to the next because these most of these programs, they all get basically from the 80s, 90s and forward and onwards. So what we can offer them or what we are offering them is using our platform. So basically their in-house software that they can’t be split up between five to 20, who knows how many can be. You can be united under our interface and one and one one system.

Speaker 1: Basically, I’m also interested in the concept of a community. Also, I need the my final exams at university about the virtual community. And we are speaking about 2001 and it’s not going to be towards the future. But at the time and now is the reality and how it works with community that you create with the people that use your platform.

Speaker 2: So what we want to do is, I mean, a community is a very important thing. One hundred percent. But what we don’t want to do is we don’t want to become a social media platform where people show the wannabes how many people then. So if you really have friends, of course, connect with your friends, but you’re not going to see other people’s friends know. You’re going to see how many friends somebody has it just in order to not give these people kind of like battling against the old guy, have one hundred thousand people. I mean, how many of them do really know? So let’s keep it down. So it’s more like a clubhouse way. Of course, you can open rooms, you can have your chat, you can have a community, you can have public people. I mean, these chats can grow into infinity and dimension. I mean, if one is more popular than the other one based on the content and people can go there, but everyone is very fine with a true identity, like an online banking, you have to do that who you are. So you are really who you are. So when you say something, whatever, you drop there and if you want to, because now people go on from from one account to the other and themselves out, you know, or even worse, those trolls go over those bots, go over it and put this stuff on it. And this becomes like a very I mean, there is no truth to this anymore. So if you have an opinion piece, speak your mind, but be aware that you are one hundred percent in the community, identify who you are. So when you have the balls to say something, do so. But if not, then don’t. But I mean, you don’t hide behind an anonymous alias address and you know, and write all what nasty things and walk down the street and knowingly go. Nobody knows who that I did that last night. You know, if you do something stupid and take the consequences.

Speaker 1: OK, so it’s a honest, ethical thing. And where you are, you and your real soul, you don’t think about earlier sense to say. So is the percent a true community? So. Right.

Speaker 2: And whatever the community does, I mean, I’m not going to put the framework to that. I mean, let the community let that I mean that people do that themselves, you know, I mean, that’s a lot interesting creative thinking people. You know, it’s their platform. Go on, do it, do it, you know, but for us, it’s important to understand that it needs to stay real and we need to make sure I mean, that’s why everyone who signs up will be vetted with ID and video call and everything to identifying his identity. And once it’s done, obviously, because he can only have one registration since he has one fingerprint. And so of all the other elements, he can’t have to account. He has one on this one account is his life account, where he does everything with us, know whenever, whatever he he he wants to participate,

Speaker 1: but also an idea about community, cause I would like to do also a community where people can share ideas, know also business ideas and these kind of things, every kind of ideas. And so it’s really, really important that the people that you you find in these communities, real people are not exactly not fakes or bought or sold. So I really like this idea of a community, a cyber platform. So.

Speaker 2: Yeah, and I mean, it doesn’t say that. I mean, when I go to a restaurant that I like and I sit among a certain group, I can share this with a friend and say, well, this is an amazing experience. You should check it out. Of course. I mean, sharing is caring, but it’s not about, you know, flashing around there, my boat, my house, my and my lifestyle. I don’t care for that. Like, you have your life to enjoy it, but don’t go showing it off to the world. Like, seriously, we are. We like to be.

Speaker 1: So what I’m really, really happy about with Chad, but we had so thank you so much for your time, for your advice is Colosio. I always say when I did this kind of podcast with people, that we always there are something from from our snow, from different different experiences from from people that come from a different country because there is always the kind of contamination. And so I really, really like to chat them. Thank you so much for your time.

Speaker 2: Michael Noonan, thank you to you. And I mean, listen, if it’s not for people like you who’s doing these protests and going out there, I mean, it seems obviously we have common ground of thinking. And I think the way to go back to your earlier question, yes, we have an opportunity now more than ever before. But at the end, it’s people who make it happen. So you and I connecting and then more people connecting is this is how the move of us waking up and how things stop. So it’s it’s really important that we look looking forward to meeting in person one day and continue this path. And we can, down the road, always feel free to. If you want to have a second round or something, don’t hesitate to reach out, you know, and always, always open to have more conversations. And so it’s by the philosophies, by the way, also one of my majors in high school. So I can relate to that a lot.

Speaker 1: For sure. For sure. We stay in contact them again. Thank you so much. And we’ll speak again for sure.

Speaker 2: Thank you so much.

Speaker 1: OK, so it was nice to be

Speaker 2: back Wednesday, Ticha.