Podcast Tips “How to become a mental coach”

In this podcast, advice for those who want to become a mental coach or simply to deepen their knowledge of the coaching universe. The most important tip? Don’t improvise coach.

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Podcast transcript

Welcome back or welcome to all new podcast tips. Go to my website www.marco9rincipi.it to find a lot of material related to the mental coach.

Today I really want to talk to you about mental coach about how to become a mental coach because this is exactly the path that I have done. Let’s start from my experience I discovered mental coach thanks to Bertini with an article about him and an interview with him in the Gazzetta dello Sport in which he said that he had improved a lot his performances had improved thanks to a mental coach.

I have a degree in philosophy and therefore I have always seen these subjects, these disciplines as if they were witchcraft I never thought they were serious things, but my reticence made him very curious and therefore I wanted to know more.

I have searched the internet for courses for mental coaches but it is difficult to find something authoritative. And the fact that Bocconi University offered a mental coach course sparked me I said let’s go to the Open Day let’s go see what the Open day is convinced me to register and once I registered I changed completely idea.

It is a serious discipline, a useful discipline that has had a huge impact on me. But there is a but. But don’t think you can take up a profession like this or be able to mentally coach your fellow employees in the workplace. If you don’t have the proper training because there are so many charlatans around there are so many people who improvise and that is the worst thing possible. So if you want to tackle such a path, do it seriously. If you don’t have a precise idea of what it is, I recommend that you go to the Open days that all these mental coach schools do.

So you already give me a more precise idea but if you want to deepen then I suggest you read some books about it. One of the books that I can recommend is the book of one of the coaching fathers which is called own coding and it is by John Widmore it is called coaching and it seems to me like awakening human potential in personal professional life. This title already explains a little what is what the mental coach is.

And then my process the more I can recommend courses I did it precisely through Bocconi through Bocconi Sport and it is done by teachers who are given Universities of coach a very serious course with monthly appointments lasts one year the first level course is one year the second level pro course.

So if you want to have a complete path it is something that keeps you busy for two years with so many books to read so many topics to discuss so many films to analyze books to analyze and also the final theses that make a sum of what you have learned of what you would like propose to your clients either at work or in your personal life.

So in any case it is something that enriches whether you want to become a professional mental coach or not because even something that you understand during the journey maybe starts with the idea and then during the journey completely changes your mind but it is something that if you are interested in personal improvement even just for your personal improvement.

Di cercare sempre l’eccellenza nel miglioramento delle performance. Vi consiglio di intraprendere un corso del genere e vi ricordo ancora però di farlo con delle strutture riconosciute con delle strutture autorevoli. Se non perdete il vostro tempo e perdete i vostri soldi e soprattutto ripeto per l’ultima volta non improvvisate mental coach perché fate del male a voi stessi e fateli amare agli altri. Grazie a tutti, spero di essere stato utile a tutti voi. Ciao.