Podcast Tips “Why philosophy and mental coaching?”

Philosophy and mental coaching have many points in common. Philosophical thinking opens our minds and allows mental coaching to be more effective.

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Podcast transcript

Hello everyone welcome welcome back. I remind you to go to my site marcoprincipi.it all to find so much other material and many other podcasts.

As I also wrote on my website I believe that coachingcan be helped by philosophy. This is because I believe that coach and philosophy are two subjects that we can define as synoptic, that is, by putting many of their pillars in their teachings on opposing columns, we will see that there are really many, many points in common.

The difference that philosophy is an art and a science is a subject studied for thousands of years very complicated and some reasoning but always trying to find the essence of finding the truth that uses critical thinking a logical thought to find an answer to things for which we cannot find the answer.

So it’s a science that questions us and makes us think about who we are. I always remember the super abused phrase of Socrates Know yourself but you should understand the power of this phrase Know yourself is not a phrase from Bacio Perugina from Instagram Know yourself means research in yourself who you are yes aware of who you are understand what they are your talents your weaknesses your strengths.

And once you understand who you are, a new world opens up for you, nothing more impossible. This is the greatness of philosophical thinking, critical thinking of thinking that leads us to reason about ourselves on our essence about our being and coaching also has the same purpose but achieves its purpose in a different way. Thus we do not speak of the great mysteries of life we do not ask questions about existential problems problems of logic or the nature of God speaks to us of real life. It talks about our little big goals and makes us think about them with critical thinking, makes us ask questions about ourselves about what we want to do. What are we willing to do to get there.

So there is a great work of criticism also a great work of questions that always referring to Socrates who in my opinion is the greatest and the questions are the tool that Socrates uses to explain the philosophy he believed in maieutics therefore in the ability of his to acting as a midwife that is, as someone who gives birth to children did so through questions through questions led people to find the solution to problems.

Here coaching works in the same way through the questions of the questions defined in the powerful coach of the assisted person finds the answer to why he wants to do something and understands if he is really determined to do it and then through a logical path therefore as a philosophical path made of micro objectives of micro-steps then building a roadmap to reach the final goal.

For this I will continue to make podcasts that talk about some philosophers and their teachings which can also be useful for the mental coach. Because let’s remember one thing philosophy I have tried on myself opens our mind to whoever we are makes us see reality in a different way makes us see reality always in a critical way but positive criticism really opens our minds and this makes us see reality in a different way. our fertile mind and mental coach. Once the mind is open and open to change it can be much much more effective. Thanks to everyone and have a good day.