Podcast Tips “Stop Self Tampering”

Podcast that deals with an important topic for the world of coaching. Self-sabotage affects us all, consciously or unconsciously we set ourselves limits that in reality do not exist.

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Podcast transcript

Hello everybody. New podcast Tips. How are you? Go to www.marcoprincipi.com to find more material and other podcasts as well.

Today I want to talk about a topic very dear to the world of coaching which is that of self-sabotage. Self sabotage some of you will think, but what is it?

It is something that we all do, it is something that is unconsciously inside us and it is something that makes our mind self sabotage it means that we often say that we are unable to do something or we are afraid to do something.
So we do not do it means to limit ourselves means not to fully express all our resources and all our abilities.

I repeat a devious thing one thing that our mind does to do us good it does not do it to hurt us. Because the experience our mind keeps us from the pain from the failure and therefore everything that is new or everything that in the past has made us suffer is blocked.

We have like a block within us precisely a block that protects us from future pain. But will the pains really be future or will they be future successes.

And this on which the topic on which we must reflect and think. Often these are just traps so they are the traps for example of the perfectionist syndrome.

Lo stesso Cerci diceva che la perfezione è nemica del progresso. This sentence seems simple but it has a great meaning if we always seek perfection we will never do anything because we will never reach it. Perfection is not in our world at divine perfection. It was not a material or human thing so it is unattainable. If we seek perfection in everything we do. We will never do anything.

Another thing is something that often happens to me. Instead, the impostor syndrome. Often when we are given credit for something when we have new roles or when they compliment us we think we don’t deserve it.

I think this has happened to everyone. No I don’t deserve it. No it was a coincidence because we fail to focus on all the efforts on the whole path we have taken to achieve that result.

Another trap is also that of not doing anything. And this is perhaps the worst because it means you don’t even try. It means that we are so afraid of the future of making new challenges that we don’t even try because we already think we will fail.

This is precisely what makes us small and insignificant for others and especially for ourselves. If only we had the strength to open up to open ourselves to the world to open up to challenges. All this perception would change both externally and internally and we don’t have to be afraid of failure because failure is a part of the process.

A part of our lives if we do we can make mistakes but we can also be successful and often or almost always the successes come from previous failures. They seem clichés but it is reality. Se io compio un’azione e falliscono ma capisco. Where did I go wrong. Then it will be easier to succeed in that action.

The important thing is to really break down these barriers, these barriers that limit us and that limit us self. So it really depends only on us. So I can give myself is to not focus on past failures this is a normal thing I will not be able to do this thing because in the past I have not succeeded or out of fear.

But let’s focus on all the times we’ve solved a problem we’ve won a challenge. Let’s think about why we did it. We think about all the work we have done to succeed and also what our values are what our talents are why we did it so we will be able to break down.

This barrier and sabotaged sabotage never again open to the world we open new challenges. Only in this way will we improve. Thank you all.